Recently, world-renowned artist “Tyler the Creator” released an album titled Chromokopia. After three years of silence, he came back with another highly anticipated album. Teased beforehand, most fans were overjoyed at his return to music. He worked on the album mostly by himself, with little to no featured artists. Most other albums typically contain many features, but Chromokopia breaks convention by having only seven songs with features.
After three years of silence in terms of music, Tyler’s new album comes as a fiery revival of his career. Commercially, the album was a huge success, garnering millions of streams within just the first week, making it one of the most popular albums in America. Critically, it was praised for being a new introspective look at the artist in some songs. As a shift in sound, Chromokopia marks and bears a new era for the artist, with a new worldwide tour alongside it. Tyler is scheduled to tour across the world in 2025 with his new songs, and already, tickets are selling out.
Reception to the album was mostly positive, with many fans praising its songs. It took over his streaming numbers for the months of October and November. It has stayed on the Billboard 200 for three consecutive weeks, illustrating how popular the album is, with 104,000 album-equivalent units sold. Being the longest-lasting hip-hop album on the Billboard 200 of 2024, this album beats out others from more popular creators such as Kanye West and the rapper Future, whose albums were on the chart for less time. Musically, it has also received positive reception for its unique yet consistent sound and music quality.
During the wait for this album, there was heavy speculation about its specifics. Features, which are artists who are going to be on a song in the album, were among the most heavily speculated questions during this time. Fans analyzed different music videos of songs that had been released from the album and were excited for its release to see which of their favorite artists would be featured. To the surprise of many, there was a notable lack of features from speculated artists on this album. This led some fans to be disappointed, as they had expected some of their favorite artists to be on the album, while others accepted it as a bold move on Tyler’s part.
Tyler’s future plans, as of now, seem unknown, but until he’s done touring, fans shouldn’t expect much from him. He has made no statements regarding any plans for future albums or songs recently, and fans seem content with this. The album, featuring 14 songs, has sparked enough of a fire in his fandom to leave an impact even after touring. However, he may appear on other songs or work behind the scenes in the production of other rappers, as he has been known to do. As of now, however, fans shouldn’t expect much from him except his nationwide tour for the new album.