Has the Cartoon Network Died After Over 30 Years?

Could the cartoon Network go dark?
October 31, 2022
In mid-October 2022, the Cartoon Network announced that it sold its channel to Warner Brothers. The move marked a sad day for everybody on the internet and prompted the hashtag “#RIPCartoonNetwork” to trend on Twitter. The widespread sorrow and disappointment are understandable because the Cartoon Network is an entertainment source with which the younger generations have grown up. As rumors of the shutdown continued to spread, many fans of the Cartoon Network voiced their feelings.
In just over 24 Hours, the Cartoon Network responded to the rumors that it was dead. It responded to Twitter, stating, “Y’all, we’re not dead; we’re just turning 30”. This announcement came as a shock to everybody because everyone thought that Cartoon Network had been discontinued.
This misinformation is an excellent example of how rumors can go a long way online. It was such a bogus rumor that even the Cartoon Network poked fun at it. The Warner brothers TV Group chairman cleared up the controversy by stating that the company is “implementing a new streamlined structure” for animation but did not announce any program cancellations.” The Cartoon Network is not canceling anything, but it seems they are working on improving the production quality from this quote.
UC student Nicolas Velasco ’24 shared his thoughts on this situation: “I almost got scared that they were shutting down. It would have been crazy to see a channel that has %100 of this generation’s respect just discontinue.”
The Cartoon Network is an American Cable television network that Warner Brothers now own. It is also divided into other production services like Boomerang, Adult Swim, and Toonami. The company is located in Atlanta, GA, and was founded on October 1, 1992. Cartoon Network is known for its famous cartoons such as Regular Show, Adventure Time, The Amazing World of Gumball, etc.